Individuals & Families in the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill greater area with epilepsy

We will no longer be holding once a month meetings on Tuesday.
These meetings will be held once a quarter on Tuesdays, starting in January 2024.
In-person support group meetings: Meeting are held @ Brooks Avenue Church of Christ in Raleigh
To get more information when our meetings are being held, please email us @ From there we will send you the Signup Genius link to attend meetings and events.
At a meeting you can expect compassion and understanding of what you are going through, a connection with other parents/caregivers/individuals, and sharing and learning from each other in a confidential atmosphere.
Each meeting we will have speakers and/or group discussions about support, advocacy and education.
We are open to suggestions on topics, areas of interest and format.
All feedback is welcome to be able to provide our families a supportive community.
Virtual Support: We offer a Facebook Group Page of over 500+ members from around the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill Area. There are weekly posts made by members asking questions, posting events and giving recommendations.
This is where we are MOST active!! Please feel free to join us at Triangle NC Epilepsy Support Group page. When asking to join, all requests must answer THREE questions to maintain the privacy of our group.
Social Events - We provide Kids, Adults and Family Social Events throughout the year. Through thises events, our group members have a community that understands their medical condition. It is a safe place to get to know others and have fun at the same time!
Other local Virtual and In-Person Support Group Meetings: We coordinate with other organizations to offer MORE support groups and events. Please click on these links for more information: