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Want to help the local Epilepsy Community?

Here is what we provide and how it helps our community

Support Group Meetings  Provides a safe place for individuals and caregivers to share their stories and learn about Epilepsy.

FB Group Page
Over 500+ members in our private page where group members can ask questions, look for resources and connect on a daily basis.

Family Social Events
Twice a Year, we hold private family events, where our members can gather and connect in person to meet other families with similar stories and life circumstances. We also try to attend collegiate and professional athletic and cultural arts events

Conferences & Adminstrative Cost
Your donate will help with attending  disability conferences, transitions fairs, other vendor events,
 website fees, office fees, printed graphic, flyers and much more to keep TNCE running smoothly. 

Kids and Adults Socials
We provide adult and kid's socials to help our group members feel like they have a community to lean on. These include rock climbing, bowling, trampoline parks, crafting/arts and sports events.

College Scholarship
We provide currently one scholarship to a local NC high or college student with epilepsy in NC.  We partner with Epilepsy Reach to provide this scholarship.  

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